A Hound in the Home
June 27 – August 15, 2024
No class July 4
Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
Please read the Richmond SPCA Training Class COVID-19 Policies before attending your first class.
Instructor: Jacob Burnheimer
This class is designed for scent hounds who may have started life as a working dog.
The first class is for people only.
Scent hounds are a popular and much-loved addition to many families. Their unique and charming personalities are hard to resist. But starting life as a working dog and being focused on following their nose, may mean your training isn’t going exactly as planned in the home. Join our training team, who are passionate about hounds, to learn how to optimally motivate, train and reinforce your scent-loving companion, as well as help him or her acclimate to the sights and sounds of life in a new environment.
Learn various ways to get the behavior you want, how to mark a behavior, how to read your hound’s body language and much more. The class will concentrate on:
- Focus
- Down
- Stay
- Leash walking
- Leave-it
- Recall
- Challenges you are experiencing
All dogs must be 6 months or older to attend this class. We highly recommend dogs older than one year be spayed or neutered prior to the start of class.
Seven-session, one-hour class at Smoky’s Training Center. $150.